Dear Event by Ev!
You are an absolutely amazing wedding planner - always professional and passionate in everything you do! Your experience and expertise as a wedding planner made all of our wedding wishes come true and it was perfect wedding day.
You helped us make our wedding unique and one-of-a-kind. Our wedding was beautiful – both elegant and relaxed at the same time.
The exotic flowers, beautiful and very original decorations in the church and at the reception venue with the attention to small details were stunningly gorgeous. All your ideas and suggestions were exceptional.
Thank you for making things impossible possible - your help in negotiations of wedding menu was just priceless - even most fussy guests could find something for themselves all night. Yes, it was a very delicious wedding with both Polish and Australian delights – thank you!
All of our guests absolutely loved our wedding. Our hearts melt until now when we hear from our family and friends that it was the best wedding they have been to. It was the day and night full of surprises, great music, and entertaining for guests of all ages and from different countries.
And finally, all the subcontractors you helped us select was so awesome – without them, such a beautiful day would not be possible.
Thanks to you, we were both able to relax and fully enjoy the magic of our special day. We could spend quality time with our guests rather than worrying about the coordination.
This simple thank you note is an appreciation for everything you have done for us in the organisation of our perfect wedding day.
Event by Ev really makes the dreams come true – it was the best decision ever to choose you as an organiser and coordinator of our wedding day. Your service was worth every penny we have spent.
We truly recommend Event by Ev to all couple, especially international ones, who want to organise a prefect wedding day in Poland.
We wish you a lot of successes, many beautiful weddings and happy couples in the new upcoming wedding season.
Thank you! ❤ Dziekujemy! ❤
Renata & Tex

O skorzystaniu z pomocy organizatorki ślubnej zdecydowaliśmy wtedy, gdy okazało się, że planowanie własnego najważniejszego dnia nie jest takie proste, jak mogłoby się wydawać.
Już na pierwszym spotkaniu, na którym Iwona zebrała szczegółowy wywiad co do naszych oczekiwań, wiedzieliśmy, że to jest strzał w dziesiątkę! Każde kolejne spotkanie i mail tylko nas w tym utwierdzały. Przede wszystkim Event by Ev to pełen profesjonalizm co do wszystkich detali związanych ze ślubem. Będąc z Iwoną na naszej sali byliśmy pełni podziwu o jakie ważne rzeczy pytała personel, na które my byśmy nigdy nie wpadli. Niesamowita dbałość o szczegóły, nie tylko przy dekoracjach sali i kościoła (które powalały), ale również na każdym etapie przygotowań.
Nie wiem jak Iwona to robi, ale nie ma dla niej rzeczy niemożliwych. Nawet wymyślne pomysły przyszłej panny młodej 😉 nie były dla niej żadnym problemem i za chwile dostawałam maila z wyszczególnionymi propozycjami. Przed samym ślubem była dla nas wielkim wsparciem i dzięki temu mogliśmy odpocząć i zrelaksować się, zamiast siedząc do nocy, dekorować salę czy wozić napoje.
Dzień ślubu, taki jak sobie wymarzyliśmy, był wynikiem ciężkiej pracy Event by Ev, wszystko dopracowane, piękne i zorganizowane. My mogliśmy oddać się zabawie, a Iwona wraz z Kasią jak nasz osobisty "anioł stróż" czuwały, żeby wszystko przebiegało pomyślnie i zgodnie z planem, od wejścia do kościoła do ostatniego gościa na parkiecie 🙂
Dziękujemy i polecamy wszystkim z całego serca !
Ola i Łukasz
Paulina i Krystian
Eliza i Jorge

Nie mamy słów aby opisać całe wsparcie które otrzymaliśmy od Ciebie, Iwono.
To był najpiękniejszy dzień naszego wspólnego (dotychczas) życia. Całą ta magia była też Twoim dziełem.
Nie szukaliśmy wedding plannera. Przez przypadek zobaczyliśmy starą szopę, która na zdjęciach została przemieniona w istny cud. Pomyśleliśmy, że ten kto to zrobił ma FACH w ręku. I tak było. Masz to coś, co sprawia, że jeszcze raz zaprosilibyśmy Cię do współpracy:
=> profesjonalizm w każdym detalu,
=> twórczość w każdej postaci,
=> komunikatywność na wysokim poziomie,
=> serce, które wkładasz w każdy detal.
Dla nas nasz ślub był lekki i przyjemny - wszystkie formalne sprawy, umowy, poszukiwania przejęłaś na siebie, co pozwoliło nam cieszyć się od strony emocjonalnej tym pięknym wydarzeniem.
Jesteś właściwym człowiekiem na właściwym miejscu. Jesteśmy wdzięczni Ci zapewne do końca życia za takie wsparcie i ... bliskość, która nam podarowałaś. Mamy nadzieję, że nasza znajomość będzie trwać dalej.
A tymczasem zastanawiamy się nad kolejną imprezą, co by Cię zaangażować, bo praca z Tobą to przyjemność i zabawa!
Gosia & Tomek

When we started to make plans for our wedding, we knew from the very beginning that time was going to be tight. We planned on having our wedding the same week as our university graduation and our international move home to Sweden, a single one of these projects by itself would be a very time consuming task, not to mention that none of us had ever planned a wedding. We were going to need some help and started looking for a wedding planner, and before long we found one that suited us perfectly!
Venue, cake, photographers and menu... Thanks to Event by Ev gentle reminders of decisions to be made during the busy months, our vision slowly grew into reality. Throughout the process Iwona was very understanding in the regards of our lack of time but somehow made us make progress. Sooner than we expected the day arrived, and I have to say it was SO nice to have someone in charge. We barley had to think about the schedule, everything just happened smoothly and seamlessly. The amazing decorations just appeared, seemingly within a few hours.
Honestly we couldn’t have done it without our wedding planner!!!
I would recommend Event by Ev to any couple who wants a gorgeous and (as far as possible) stress-free wedding day!
Best regards
Madeleine and Anton Chamera

I highly recommend working with Event By Ev. Professionalism, expert advice and individual approach to the customer is undoubtedly the proper description of this company. Ms Iwona - amazing organizational skills and customer approach. Warm greetings and thank you.

The Best Wedding Planner in Pomerania!
I wholeheartedly recommend Iwona’s service! We live in Belgium and dreamed of a wedding in Poland. Very quickly we realized how many details we need to pay attention to. We would have never succeeded, without the help of Ms. Iwona, who is incredibly helpful and creative. Thanks to her we had the wedding of our dreams. Thank you very much!!!
Gosia and Pieter.

She is from Lublin, he comes from Złotoryja near Wroclaw .... Where to organize a wedding?? Half way, the city of Łódż.... hmm ... not really. On our vacation in Jastarnia we came up with an idea to get married there, and by God's favour or owing to our luck, we came across Ms Iwonka. Without her, organizing this event would not result in creating something so inventive and full of artistic flair. We heartily recommend any couple to have such a person, both those who live abroad, as well those residing in the country. Ms Iwonka is an oasis of tranquillity, what is very valuable in those stressful preparations before the wedding. She is a very competent person, who has a high degree of sense of style and taste, leaving our guests amazed by the organization and the quality of the wedding. … Thanks to this petite, kind and notoriously smiling woman, such oppression as an accident when signing the documents in the church, when we dropped the ink pen on my snow-white dress and the resulting dark blue stains, were nothing thanks to fast and discreet response ... There were plenty of similar situations, which thanks to Ms Iwonka left us unscathed. It did no cause stress and damage to our celebrations, making this day special for us and among other things we were able to have a sparkling good time on our wedding ? Thank you for everything, especially for the beautiful wedding, we will never forget ?
Mr. and Mrs. Bandurak ? ?

The first steps in the business and beautiful realizations of weddings I was observing on Event by Ev Facebook page, from the very beginning of their existence, believing that one day, as my time comes, I will be able to surrender to them! And it happened! The cooperation with Iwona began with a meeting, a year before the scheduled ceremony. Actually, we only had the date and our vision of nautical wedding. The first conversation lasted over three hours! We knew that we came to the right person. Iwona was very well prepared and we sensed an excellent knowledge of the market. She listened to our wedding vision, suggested her ideas, proposed trusted subcontractors. Everything in a very relaxed and professional atmosphere. Some things, we definitely could not have thought of! Then, of course, there were other meetings, agreeing on all the details, and the patient responses to millions of our questions, which arose when planning the ceremony. It was great to have constant contact with a person, who would dispel our doubts. Is the wedding hall not too large? How to arrange the tables and where to place the board for the guests?
Then in came up, of course, the question of decorations in the sailors’ style. We know that Ms Iwona has created themed weddings before. We had wondered if was going to be a cliché or a copy of the earlier events? Neither one of these questions were confirmed. Our nautical decorations were one of a kind, we used sailing knots, which also appeared, starting from invitations, to the beautiful finishing of cups with candles. Everything created a beautiful whole, and gained great recognition of our guests. We recommend the company Event By Ev to anyone who wants to have a perfect and extraordinary wedding! Full professionalism, looking after every detail, creativity, large deposits of patience and constant contact are the trademarks of Iwona and Event by Ev team.
Thanks to her 04.11.2015 was the fulfillment of our dreams.
Iwona! Thank you very much! Kasia I Krzysiek

It was supposed to be a special day in a wonderful location with people close to us. It all came true, thanks to an excellent organization by a wonderful person, who Iwona is. We live in Germany and we really wanted to have the wedding in Poland, but from the distance we were not able to do anything, not to mention organizing the wedding. It took us only two meetings and Iwona was able to perfectly match our tastes and expectations. We fully trusted Iwona and her company Event By EV. After the first conversation, we noticed the professionalism and the heart put in the performed work. We knew, what we can expect when it comes to decorations, but what we saw at the entrance to the church and then in the wedding hall, far exceeded our expectation. Everything was done at the highest level, there was not even one question, to which she did not know the answer or the problem that could not be solved. She is a likable and above all a very patient person, whom we could always rely on. She had proved to be our consultant and organizer in 100%. The whole course of the wedding also surpassed our expectations and thanks to the Event By EV company, we could forget about the stress of the whole preparation. We really had nothing to worry about. Thank you with all our hearts and wish you every success.

We can’t imagine our perfect day without the help of Iwona and the commitment of her team, in preparations for our wedding. Everything was perfectly prepared and the main thing was that we knew that on the day that we could focus on our emotions and experiences with your loved ones, without worrying about a single detail, because everything was in the best hands of Event by Ev team. Iwonka thank you for making that day so perfect!
Marta & Henryk

If you live abroad - as we do and would like to organize a wedding in Poland and you wonder whether it is worth investing in this service, then there is nothing to be pondering about!
Maybe, this is not so evident in the early stages of wedding organization, because you know that invitations can be selected and ordered via the Internet, photographer and DJ are also a pretty easy task - as long as our chosen dates are still free ... However, we really started to appreciate the cooperation with the wedding planner, at the end. When we had a few days to the wedding and we still haven’t thought about this or about that. I remember those few days before, we panicked and, with my now husband, we looked into each other’s eyes and while smiling said ... "phew, it is so good that we have Iwona, she has already taken care of that" ?
Thanks to such a person, we can fully enjoy the most important day in our lives! Without worrying about whether an organist gets his envelope, the wedding cake delivery arrives late, or that the photo-booth is just rolling up and we need to quickly settle accounts with them.
The wedding day is the time for relaxation and reflection, not for flying around the city, being after the flowers or the cake. We do not need to involve the family or friends to help us out. They are with us to enjoy the day and prepare for the ceremony.
We would like to thank the whole Event by Ev team for their help in organizing our wedding and reception. But the biggest thanks goes to unprecedented Iwonka, who in addition to the organization of the whole event, was just excellent with us on the day of the ceremony. Thanks to her we could feel calm and relaxed throughout the wedding day, until the end of our after party. We knew that everything is under control and in the best hands!
Once again, THANK YOU!!!

I could not have wished for a more beautiful day. Iwona was incredibly organized, helpful and patient. Our smallest whims were left fulfilled, in the blink of an eye. The guests were delighted with the room decor and professional approach of Ms Iwona. For sure, we will use the services of Event by ev again in the near future.
Magda & Richard
First class wedding. Superbly prepared. All buttoned up to the last button. Ms Iwona did and excellently insane job ?
Bridesmaid - Kamila.

At the outset, it is worth noting that Ms Iwona is a very creative professional with a passion! Entrusting the organization of a dream engagement was bull’s eye shot! The cooperation was a pleasure, even though we contacted only by e-mail. We planned our engagement by the sea and we live in Wroclaw. Iwona has refined every detail of my idea of the perfect location (an almost exclusive beach), a cab took us to the right place to take the commemorative shells with our initials! She had even ordered the beautiful weather ?! Moreover, she also developed a plan B and C, in case of various contingencies. Fortunately, they were not required ? everything was buttoned up to the last button. My fiancé was completely surprised, by the ultimate effect – it was like a scene from the movie!
In summary, the cooperation, commitment, and execution deserve 5 with a plus!

REVELATION!! I had the pleasure to work with Event By Ev, which I asked
for wedding decorations in the nautical style. Ms Iwona is an extremely reliable, competent and a very creative person. The cooperation from the beginning was perfect – from presenting an initial offer to the final result. Ms. Iwona listened to my every suggestion, and everything came out just as I imagined it to be. Despite the difficulties encountered by Ms Iwona when decorating the wedding hall (the owner had allowed to decorate it only two hours before the wedding!), she faced this challenge in 101%. This company is a pearl on the market. No problems, great contact, no hidden costs. Everything as it should be. I hope that we will still have the opportunity to cooperate. Thank you, Ms Iwona – thanks to you we had a memorable wedding ?
Aleksandra and Paweł Rutka.

Dear ladies, do you want to have a fairy tale wedding? Then use the services of Ms Iwona Przybojewska ?. Its advantages are: professionalism, constant contact by phone, e-mail, and a sense of taste. Ms Iwona knows the latest trends, prevailing in the market, gives professional advice, virtually making all the wishes and dreams come true (even purple tulips in August ?). On the day of the wedding I did not have to worry about anything, because Ms. Iwona was always there to help. Disadvantages: NONE ? So, definitely and with a clear conscience I RECOMMEND and we will definitely use of the services by Event by Ev again.

Iwonka, we would like to thank you wholeheartedly for organizing our wedding, reception and the after party. Thanks to you, our special day was perfect in every way ?! All of our guests, both Polish and Scottish, were left with wonderful memories and unforgettable impressions. We were all mesmerised by your work – being professional in every way, creating fantastic atmosphere and sporting a smile that comforted us in the difficult moments. What can I say - Iwonka you're the best!!! I would recommend your company Event by ev to anyone, who wants to organize a party. I wish all prospective customers to have such a great cooperation and a wonderful wedding, as ours was! Greetings to you and Paulina and thanks again.
Viola & Paul.

I decided to organize my birthday party by an outside company, a week before the event, what is, the so-called the eleventh-hour ? Event By Ev was the bull’s eye shot. At the beginning I was presented with the detailed proposals and ideas, selected in line with my expectations. Once I have decided on a specific form, everything was organized and guided perfectly with attention to the smallest detail, and I did not have to worry and stress out about anything. Both, guests and I, had a great fun until the dawn. I will long remember this birthday and certainly not once would use the ideas and support of Event By Ev. I RECOMMENDED IT TO ALL !!!

The cooperation with Event By Ev to decorate the ballroom is a pleasure.
The service is very professional, flexible with a positive attitude to the challenges, even if something must be done urgently, under a great pressure.
I heartily recommend, Joanna Błaszczak, Sofitel Grand Sopot.

Company EVENT BY EV performing a complex decoration of the wedding has demonstrated extensive experience and commitment. The effects of the work met all our requirements. Assigned work was performed in line with the previous arrangements, at a high level and fully professionally. Any changes were quickly replaced with new solutions. The contribution of Ms Iwona Przybojewska to the work is surprising, what as a result makes "angelic wedding." I recommend the company EVENT BY EV as a solid, reliable, fully prepared to take action and really worth spreading the word of!